Getting to know…
Adam Rand
If you are sailing with us, there’s a good chance you will see Adam on the docks or on your boat, so let’s take a moment to learn a little more.
Position at GLSC? Marine Technician
What do you really do at GLSC? I’ve taught, captained, crewed, and fixed. So whatever you might need.
How long have you worked at GLSC? 6 months
What did you do before you worked for GLSC? I was working at a boatyard primarily focusing on electronics and rigging.
Why did you decide you wanted to work for GLSC? I really like the attitude of the company and I like having the opportunity work in all aspects of sailing, not just one specific duty.
Where do you spend your winters? Traverse City
Where are you originally from? Petoskey, MI
What do you want to be when you grow up? Still not sure on that one.
Where did you learn to sail? What’s your sailing background? I learned to sail riding along with my Dad on our Hobie 16 on Walloon Lake. I taught in the summers on Walloon Lake in my twenties and then headed down to run the sailing school at the Bitter End Yacht Club for a few years. Being in the BVI I was able to get into working on bigger yachts and became the Mate/Engineer on a large sailing yacht.
Tell us something quirky or unique about yourself. I actually have a degree in Physics and used to work in nanomaterials at a chemical engineering lab, I’m also listed as an inventor on a patent.
Any advice for beginning sailors? Sailing is fun, it’s meant to be fun. Relax, enjoy, and get out on the water as much as you can.